Confidentially Sell Your Business

M&A Advisory Services

We specialize in selling companies worth $1 million to $25 million. Edison Avenue is expertly positioned to sell your business confidentially using our 12 step process. Our M&A Advisors complete business valuations, package your business for sale, implement a comprehensive marketing strategy, access our database of over 12,000 buyers and investors, and manage the entire business sale process through due diligence and closing. We also have access to quality advisors with expertise in accounting, tax, and legal issues to ensure you achieve your goal and maximize your proceeds.

By working only with a Certified Merger & Acquisition Professional (CM&AP) you ensure the highest standard in the industry to successfully sell your business for maximum value.  We understand a large component of your net worth is in your company. It's critical we sell it confidentially, fast and for the highest price, the marketplace will bear.

Edison Avenue serves lower middle market companies worth between $1 million and $25 million, our expertise, integrity, and experience will help you navigate safely to the next phase of your life.  Harvesting the wealth you've developed over years or decades.

Be sure to check out Mr. Valaitis's amazing new book Exit Like A Winner!

Exit Planning

There are risks involved in any business and one of the greatest is failing to plan a successful ownership transition. We are passionate about the need for you to have a bulletproof plan.  We've seen too many business owners give away their fortunes with the mistaken belief of waiting another year or I'll just do this myself mindset. Edison Avenue provides you with extensive and personalized advice based on your unique business and personal circumstances.  We don't sleep well at night if we don't help you prepare for the future and execute your exit plan on your schedule.

You can trust Edison Avenue to confidentially sell your business and protect your net worth.

"There are few things in life where who you partner with may be the most important decision you make."

- Eric Bailey, Principal Captrust



"One day you’re going to wake up and there won’t be any time left to do the things you’ve always wanted to do."

- Paulo Coelho